Harmakis Edizioni – The Book, medicine of the Soul
The Harmakis Edizioni, which is part of the SEA Group, Advanced Publishing Services, created to meet the diverse needs of the public interested in issues regarding Personal Growth at 360 degrees and therefore to the dissemination of information and content, offers those who feel the need to disseminate their writings a complete support that goes from the evaluation of texts to proofreading, from editing to the layout of the volumes, from the revision of translations to transcriptions and publication and promotion of the works. The Harmakis follows, therefore, the author step by step in the tortuous path of a book that wants to make space in the world of culture and in finding an available public suitable for reading and criticizing the proposed text, providing qualified personnel and means in order to best support the dissemination of the literary work.
Harmakis Edizioni is the publishing house born of the desire for discovery and new possibilities. We live in the time of acceleration, a time where everything changes quickly and where everything from the past undergoes a revolution or important deepening. Where one feels the need for reflection, to pause to understand in what direction we are headed, towards which new horizons we must face. And the Harmakis within this change is available to those who want to leave traces of their passage through study, discovery and creativity in this transformation.
Harmakis Editions
Editorial Director: Paola Agnolucci
Layout and graphics: Paola Agnolucci
Marketing: Leonardo Paolo Lovari